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Dance Group from RUBI at the Catalan Soul Festival in THUIR - July 19, 2024

At 8:45 PM, at the entrance of the Caves Byrrh, there will be a dance performance by the dancers of El Esbart de Rubí. This group, recognized as the national Catalan ballet, will showcase Catalonia through a performance that perfectly combines tradition and innovation on stage.

El Esbart Dansaire de Rubí is a cultural entity founded in Rubí by Josep Guardiet i Pujol. The official presentation of the Esbart was on November 18, 1923, with a recital at the parish hall of Sant Pere de Rubí.

The Esbart works on teaching Catalan dance through its school, producing and presenting shows with its dance troupe, and preserving and promoting Catalan traditions. The first activity they proposed was ballet courses, conducted by Leandre Perecaula, recovering dances that had been saved from oblivion by Aureli Capmany, Joan Amades, and Joan Rigall.

The Esbart actively participates in maintaining and promoting the city's traditions, especially in the Aplec de Sant Muç, the Festa dels Xatos, the street dancing of gitanes during the major festival, and the organization of Rubifolk, the International Traditional Dance Festival of Rubí.

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